Nespelem Community Center

(509) 634-2370

5 Community Center Rd., Nespelem WA., 99155


Every Community Center has its own story to tell. The context in which community and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by which the Community Center makes decisions around activities, instruction, and assessment. The Context also impacts the way a Community Center stays faithful to its vision. Many engagements, the trends and issues affecting the Community Center, and the kinds of programs and services that a Community Center implements to support the community learning. The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a Center with an opportunity to describe in narrative from the strengths and challenges it encounters. By perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the Community Center to reflect on how it provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis


Nespelem Community Center


Nespelem Community Center was built in 1973 by the Colville Confederated Tribes to meet the unique needs of the Tribes children. It is a tribally controlled Center that operates under the Colville Tribe Education and Employment Department. There are currently 1411 students being served throughout the community, ranging in age from headstart to Senior in High School. All of the students are Colville Tribal Members or Descendants. The total number Colville Tribal members we are here to assist is 9,531. The staff includes an administrator and 2 workers with one office assistant. There is also a Boys & Girls club with 5 staff that helps with children activities. There are also tribal members who volunteer to come in and assist with such things as language and exercise classes. The administrator and other staff members are all tribal members. The Community Center serves the people of the Colville Tribes. There are about 5000 members living on the Reservation. The Community is very proud and supportive of the center, and it is important part of the community. The main challenge that is faced is the remoteness of the location. The remote location makes it very difficult to find highly qualified personnel who would be willing to relocate. The location also creates technology issues. 

Community Center's Purpose

The purpose and mission of the NCC is to protect and enhance the quality of the lives of all our members. We make available training, teaching and advice, both for spiritual and physical wellness. To create leaders, and opportunities for our leaders to make healthy traditions a way of life. It also takes into consideration the spiritual, mental, physical, and cultural aspects of the whole person within the family of the tribe. Special emphasis is placed on developing interests and abilities that cultivate a productive member of society who deeply respects and values his/hers heritage and citizenship.


Support Community Events such as; Recognition of community members for personal achievement. Graduation events, Summer Youth Gatherings, Memorials, Funerals, Weddings, Stickgame Events, Pow-Wow's, Dinners, All holiday functions or events, Bar-B-Q's to recognize youth, Mock Car Crash, Use of facilties for showers or other events, Traditional Community Sweat Lodge we help facilitate, Wrestling events, Recording Studio to record local musicians, Boys & Girls Club, MMA Room, Weight Room and offer Free Wi-Fi.