Success Stories


A client recently obtained her driver’s license.  She started out paying off her fine and then studying for the written test and then the driver’s test.  After 4 years of trying she succeeded with her goal of getting back her driver’s license!

Another client successfully completed an On the Job Training (OJT) with a local daycare and is now a full time employee.



And recently, a client completed Adult Care training, became employed and closed her cash-grant case due to receiving excess earnings. She is now receiving TANF transitional services and moving toward self-sufficiency.


A young family, mom, dad and child came onto the program as the mother was near completion of her bachelor’s degree. The mother was struggling financially to get to and from classes and her vehicle needed repairs. The father was also attending college and doing the daily care for their daughter who was just finishing up kindergarten. After the demands of school the family had limited time together. They needed some assistance to meet their basic needs and assistance with the high costs of traveling for school.    

Once approved for the program, TANF provided assistance to cover the basic needs of the family.  Also the family was able to get assistance with car repairs, tires and gas vouchers for both vehicles so they could attend college classes daily and not have to worry about the burden of repairs or safety.  Both parents successfully completed their spring quarter classes.  At the end of the quarter the mother obtained her Bachelors of Science Degree, and the father is one more quarter closer towards the completion of his Associate’s degree.  The mother was then hired by the Colville Tribes and continues to work near her home.   Her days of weekly traveling, long home work hours and time way from her family are over.  The father has gained seasonal employment which will allow him to make a big amount of money during the summer months, and then possibly having the opportunity to be eligible for unemployment benefits once he is laid off.  He will also return to college and continue his schooling. 

The family is now self-sufficient and able to meet the needs of their family. Both parents have made advances in their education, gained employment and have the tools to support their family.