TANF Program
(509) 634-2290
To apply for TANF assistance call 634-2290 and leave a message.
Already a client and need emergency support services? Call 634-2290 and leave a message.
Emergency services are diapers, wipes, personal hygiene, and emergency food.
Grants will be mailed on the usual schedule.
You can download an application by clicking on the button.
TANF Training is now in-person. Live seating is limited to 10 people per session, first come, first serve. Check daily for scheduled training opportunities. Any questions, please contact the Training and Development Specialist Daryl at (509)634-2921.
Colville Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (CCT TANF) is a federal and state funded program operated by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation.
To find if you qualify for this program you need to complete an application packet, turn it in, then have an intake interview with one of our staff.
Because this program’s funds come from the federal and state government you will be required to have certain items of verification on hand. You can pick up an application packet at one of our offices, or call (509) 634-2290 and ask to have the application mailed.
The CCT TANF program has offices in Inchelium, Nespelem and Omak. A couple times a month, the program sends an outreach worker to Wenatchee.
Colville Tribal TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) came into effect on November 1, 2001. Under this plan the Colville Tribe will serve all Native American families in Okanogan, Ferry, Douglas, and Chelan Counties. A "Native American Family" is one in which at least one member of the assistance unit is a Native American, a member of, or eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe in the United States of American residing or intending to reside in the defined service area. In Lincoln, Grant and Stevens Counties the Colville Tribe will serve Colville Tribal families only. A "Colville Tribal Family" is one in which at least one member of the assistance unit is an enrolled member of the Colville Tribe.
Assisting needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homes
Reducing the dependency of needy parents by promoting job preparation, work and marriage
Preventing out-of-wedlock pregnancies
Encouraging the formation and maintenance of two-parent families