Wenatchee Curriculum- Grades 11-12
History of the Wenatchi
The Wenatchi Tribe is an Interior Salish tribe, speaking a Salish Language, and is distinct from the Sahaptin tribes, including Yakima. The Wenatchi were a tribe with close ties to the Entiat, Chelan, Methow, and Sinkayuse (on the east side of the Columbia River), as well the Kittitas. “Wenatchapam” was a term used to describe both the Wenatchis living at the forks of the Icicle Creek and Wenatchee River and the abundant fish that was located there. The term “p’squosa” was a word derived from the Salish Language and which was used historically to describe the Wenatchi and their village at the forks of the Icicle and Wenatchee Rivers.