

  • Childcare Services will provide financial assistance to be eligible families according to program income guidelines and will be delivered through Tribal approved child care providers for parents either enrolled in classroom training or employment activities

    Employment & Training has two Childcare Centers

    Denise Geroge | Nespelem (509) 634-2522

    Julia Simpson | Inchelium (509) 722-7604

  • The Tribe offers a wide range of services for the benefit of youth including childcare, education, employment preparation, and other supportive services. Emphasis is given to preventive activities that focus on positive decision-making regarding life choices. These activities are created and intended to reduce behavior that will hinder self-sufficiency or healthy living. 

    • Enrolled and attending school (unless pre-K) or working on HS Plus 
    • Enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe
    • Must have 2.0 GPA
    • Have an identifiable risk factor/at-risk to include, but not be limited to, the following:
    ◦ Low Income as defined by the annual HHS poverty guidelines
    ◦ High School Dropout
    ◦ Basic Skills Deficient 
    ◦ Communication, Leadership, Life skill enhancement
    ◦ Homeless, Runaway, or Foster Child
    ◦ Pregnant or Parenting Teen
    ◦ Youth Offender
    ◦ Other Risk Factors identified
    ◦ Disabilities including, but not limited to, learning disabilities
    ◦ Educational attainment one or more grade levels below the appropriate grade level
    ◦ Juvenile delinquent
    ◦ Lack of or low self-esteem

    Required Documentation
    • Letter stating Educational and/or Employment Goal(s)
    • Degree Plan (does not cover Master Degree programs)/Course Schedule
    • Acceptance Letter for Educational Institution or 
    • Transcript(s), H.S., GED, HS Plus, and/or most recent report card
    • Must maintain an overall 2.0 GPA; 
    • Current quarter/semester GPA must be 2.0
    • Copy of application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) (when applicable)
    • Needs Analysis-Financial Aid Form (when applicable)
    • Proof of Residence
    • Proof of Tribal enrollment
    • Selective Service Registration Verification for males 18 years and older
    • Other documents as requested/required

  • The E&T Program will focus on increasing the number of American Indian (AI/Alaska Native A/N) students who participate in career and technical education (CTE) options, in secondary school or through postsecondary education-linked programs such as Running Start or other CTE or STEM-focused programs.

    Support under this component may include tuition, books, fees, and related expenses. Incentives or recognition may be offered to clients for their successful participation in and completion of education or training services.

    Tutoring services- financial assistance with providing students with individualized assistance to help them learn new concepts and complete assignments.

    Academic enrichment- tutoring programs for students who quickly understand the material in a regular class setting. The program must be academic in nature (sports activities are not included) but want to learn at a higher level.

    School internships- are for current students. Current high school, college, trade school, or another qualifying educational institution students, may be eligible. This program offers paid opportunities to work in agencies and explore careers while completing their education.

    Vocational exploration- activities that support the process students can use to find a career that suits their personality, interests, and skills.

    Cultural education- activities that support the process of learning about, understanding, and appreciating the culture of different groups, including cultures outside of one’s own.

    Counseling referral- Staff will make referrals based on the client's needs, and barriers.

    College and career exploration- activities that help students narrow their scope of interests before beginning the college application process.

    Leadership skill building- activities that prepare current and future leaders to perform effectively in their roles

  • Work Experience (WEX)/After School - Youth Work Experience for Middle/High school student(s)/out-of-school youth(s) and college students’ length of participation must not exceed 240 hours of work experience during the summer months or year-round, as applicable. During the school year, the intent of this service is to provide incentives for the student to stay in school. Applicants must be at least 16 years old at the time of Intake (may be extended to include lower ages due to the high occurrence of identification as ‘at-risk’).

    Youth Summer Employment (YSE) has the option of utilizing employment hours during the summer months. YSE length of participation must not exceed 240 hours of work experience. Applicant(s)/client(s) are authorized to work up to 32-40 hours per week. Applicants must be at least 14 years old at the time of Intake.

    The student MUST agree to the following:

    Students may be suspended from their jobs until their grades (2.0 GPA or higher) or attendance is corrected;

    Authorized to work up to 32-40 hours per week for a total of 240 hours throughout the academic year; and,

    If it is pre-arranged with the school administrators or WSU HS+ instructor, the hours a youth works during summer can also be used for high school credit/credit towards HS+.

    HS Plus- Instructions
    Register online and the college will contact them about additional information.

    Here is the link:


    Complete the HS 21 Student Disclosure, HS21 Transcript request, and WABERS forms. Send Please indicate the application is for the Nespelem Campus.

  • Academic Excellence Rewards Program (AERP)

    Eligibility Criteria:

    1. Student(s) must be enrolled in a federally recognized Tribe.

    2. Student(s) must reside on or near the boundaries of the Colville
      Confederated Tribes Reservation.

    3. Student(s)must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher for the
      current semester or academic year.

    4. Student(s) must be enrolled full-time in a recognized educational

    5. Student(s) must maintain a record free of disciplinary actions or
      attendance issues.

    6. Student(s) must be in the 6th to 12th grade to qualify.

    Incentives Offered:

    1. Scholarship Opportunities:
      ~ Quarter-based gift card/cash (e.g., $100 for maintaining a 3.9+ GPA).
      ~ Quarter-based gift card/cash (e.g., $75 for maintaining a 3.5-3.8+ GPA).

    2. Recognition and Certification:
      ~ Certificate of Academic Excellence
      ~ Features in newsletters, websites, or Student(s)(s) magazines.

  • The Colville Tribes would like to honor each student with a Pendleton Blanket on graduation. We appreciate your effort and wish you continued success in your educational endeavors. To receive your Pendleton, submit the following documents and information:

    1. Copy of Colville Tribal ID card or Certificate of Indian Blood

    2. Copy of High School Diploma, GED Certificate, or HS21 Diploma or

    2. Verification of graduation from a High School Official.

    In accordance with resolution 2014-87 forms to claim a graduation gift must be submitted within one year of the student’s graduation to be honored.

    Pendleton Blanket Form PDF

  • Eligibility
    • Enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe
    • Reside within the boundaries of the CCT reservation
    • At Least 18 years old
    • Unemployed or underemployed (Employment)

    Required Documentation
    Educational/Employment services require the following documentation:
    • Letter stating Educational and/or Employment Goal(s)
    • Degree Plan (does not cover Master's Degree programs)
    • Acceptance Letter for Educational Institution or 
    • Agreement from the potential worksite (E&T can assist)
    • Transcript(s), H.S., GED, HS Plus, and/or most recent report card
    ◦ Must maintain an overall 2.0 GPA; 
    ◦ Current quarter/semester GPA must be 2.0
    • Copy of application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) 
    • Needs Analysis-Financial Aid Form
    • Proof of Residence
    • Proof of Tribal enrollment
    • Selective Service Registration Verification for males 18 years and older
    • Proof of household income 
    • Other documents as requested/required

  • Education services range from seminars to post-secondary education leading to a certificate, associate, or bachelor-level degree. All degree programs for which training assistance is provided must relate to a realistic employment opportunity.

    Support under this component may include tuition, books, fees, and related expenses. Incentives or recognition may be offered to clients for their successful participation in and completion of education or training services.

    Education includes high school, general educational development (GED) programs, High School Plus (HS+), adult basic education, public and private Technical school, Community College, state/city College or Tribal College. Minimum hours per week-20 which includes study time.

    Basic and Remedial Education for the individuals to enhance their employability, by raising basic skills to a competitive, marketable level.
    Full-time/Vocational training, maximum of twenty-four months with the exception of Registered Nurse (RN) training, which is limited to thirty-six months, to meet the individual employment goal.

    Post-secondary education services beyond the 2-year AAS degree. This will be completed on a case-by-case basis.

    Short-term training provides individuals with technical job skills training and informal training required to perform a specific job or group of jobs. This is limited to (5) five credits per quarter, plus books. Does NOT cover Master’s Degrees.

  • Employment clients may be described as entering, transitioning, or dislocated within the workforce. These clients frequently exhibit a non-existent or intermittent work history. The Tribe’s employment services will include, but will not be limited to, internships, career counseling, job readiness training, job referral, supported work placements, job retention services, job placement, vocational and skills training, job development, and eliminating barriers to work.

    Job Placement- may be made full-time, part-time, in public, non-profit, private, or tribal enterprise sectors as deemed appropriate by the program supervisor. The duration of these services will vary based on the participant’s individual needs and past work history.

    Job Readiness Training- will include, but not limited to, resume writing, application completion, interview preparation, barrier resolution skills, appropriate dress, and decision-making. Additional activities may be offered which include, but are not limited to, job shadowing and job mentoring. Skill-building opportunities that address leadership and entrepreneurship responsibilities may also be offered, such as filling in and completing an application, soft skills training, and goals and expectations.

    On-the-Job Training (OJT)- within a work environment that is designed to enable individuals to learn a Bona Fide skill and/or qualify for a specific occupation through demonstration and practice. The length of each individual contract will not exceed (2) two years.

    Job Retention services- may include special counseling with both the client and the employer during the months after the individual is first placed on the job. Clients who have recently faced a significant barrier or ‘life-changing’ event may also be qualified for Job Retention services regardless of the time elapsed since first starting the job. It may include special services, such as opioid, alcohol, and other substance abuse prevention services, as considered necessary for the client to succeed on their present job and enable the client to successfully retain future positions.

    Full-Time Work Experience (WEX)- is designed to maximize the employability of participant(s). This includes work performed within Tribal sponsored and/ or owned enterprises, as well as private sector employers. This activity will provide the individual with on-the-job experience, an opportunity to develop occupational skills and good work habits, and the opportunity to develop special occupational goals for exposure to various vocational careers. Placement within a Tribal Affiliated Enterprise will be contingent upon agreement of unsubsidized employment of the participant after successful completion of training. Individuals will be formally evaluated after (3) three months of participation. During this time, referrals may be issued to other programs to address barriers to assist with reaching their individual goals. Clients will also continue seeking permanent employment.

    Skill Enhancement Services- may be offered. This will require documentation that supports the requirement to maintain employment or advance within the current job or industry.’ Most ‘Skill Enhancement’ services will be through education. However, some assistance might be more directly related to employment, for example, obtaining or renewing a license or certification.

    Supportive Services- designed to contribute to the success of participants. The Staff will provide assistance to support the client in their job search efforts and/or job retention efforts with clothing, necessary tools, and/or transportation as determined necessary. Supportive services are a benefit, not an entitlement. E&T may provide support services that may include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Transportation assistance
    • Employment-related expenses
    • Clothing/job uniforms
    • Basic needs
    • Community economic and job development
    • Assistance in providing referral services for substance abuse services mental health services, and other medical support services
    • Transitional services, job retention, job advancement, and other employment-related services that do not provide basic income support
    • Change of life career services
    • Educational activities designed to increase self-sufficiency, job training, and work experience
    • Job-related or educational costs
    • Removal of barriers to employment
    • Community economic and job development
    • Culturally relevant employment and training-related support services
    • Other support services determined to be reasonable and beneficial may be approved by the E&T Program

  • -help clients transition into their employment and education. Services are to be used to assist the client in maintaining, advancing, or transitioning their employment and educational plans. Program staff will determine and verify what transitional services are necessary to enable individuals to be successful in their employment and educational endeavors.

    Workplace Readiness
    ◦ Purpose: Preparing students for entering the world of work and living independently.
    ◦ Sample Services: Soft skills training, time management, punctuality, financial literacy, mock interviews, resume building, accessing services/supports.
    Work-Based Learning
    ◦ Purpose: Try out jobs or gain work experience prior to graduation.
    ◦ Sample Services: Job shadowing, workplace tours, informational interviews, paid internships, WEX, OJT.
    ◦ Purpose: Clients learn rights, responsibilities, and how to request accommodations or services/supports needed during the transition to post‐secondary education and employment.
    ◦ Sample Services: IGuidance on when/how to disclose a disability. Instruction on when/how to request accommodations. Instruction on self-determination. (Will refer to Vocational Rehabilitation.

  • Incentives may be offered as long as funds are available. Incentives will be tied to the goals of E&T, will be reasonable, and will have established objective criteria. Policies, eligibility requirements, and monetary standards for incentives are outlined in the E&T Policy and Procedures Manual and are dependent upon program funding. Incentives for youth, college graduates, and staff training and/or performance incentives, will be provided per policies.

  • General Assistance services are designed to provide assistance for the basic essential needs of an individual. The program provides financial assistance for shelter, utilities, clothing, and food.

    Standard Payment Guidelines

    Family Size Amount
    1 $349
    2 $440
    3 $546
    4 $642