PSIS Assessment

This is a private link outlining the PSIS Continuous Improvement Assessment. The Colville Business Council initiated this assessment to develop a comprehensive report evaluating the overall effectiveness of the current operations in addition to recommendations for continuous improvement. The Colville Tribe’s Employment & Education Director, Tammy James-Pino, was directed to lead this effort.

A following is a list of the small taskforce that was established to complete this task:

  • Shannon Thomas, Office of Reservation Attorney

  • Cree Whelshula, Language Program Manager

  • Yalonda Misiaszek, Human Resources

  • Thomas Ball, Planning

The PSIS Continuous Improvement Assessment Taskforce developed a series of questionnaires tailored to various stakeholder groups including: School Board Members, Administration, Teachers, and Staff.  In addition the Taskforce has requested meetings with the following groups at the designated days and times:

  • School Board, proposed dates: June 7, June 11, or June 13 at 4:30 PM at the Lucy Covington Government Center

  • Administration/Superintendent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 10:00 AM at PSIS

  • Teachers/Staff, proposed dates: Week of June 11-15, 2018. Requesting 1.5 hours with each group

In addition, the Taskforce will be reviewing the Improvement Plan, Plan of Operations, letters submitted, Engagement Review Report, Parent Surveys, and other important information deemed appropriate.

PSIS Board Letter | PSIS School Board Questions | PSIS Staff | PSIS Superintendent | PSIS Teacher | PSIS Teacher Staff Letter